27. maijs 2022g. - Ukrainas bēgļu uzņemšanas centrs
31. maijs, 2022 pl. 16:31
Šodien tika izdalītas 74 porcijas rīsu piena putras ar rozīnēm un kokosriekstu, ko visi ļoti novērtēja. Viņi pat lūdza to ņemt līdzi bērniem.
Pateicoties brīnišķīgajam Indijas kopienas atbalstam, šodien bija īsti Augļu svētki: 2 kastes ābolu, 2 kastes persiku, 2 kastes nektarīnu, 1 kaste mandarīnu.
Izdalījām arī kasti ar žāvētām plūmēm, kuras vakar iesaiņoju atsevišķos maisos.
Visi bija priecīgi, bērnus ļoti piesaistīja augļi, un vecāki nespēja noticēt, ka šī dažādība ir pieejama ikvienam.
Ar prieku visiem tika izdalītas divas maizes kastes - baltā un melnā.
Today 74 servings of rice milk porridge with raisins and coconut were distributed, which everyone appreciated very much. They wer even asking to take it along with them for kids.
Thanks to wonderful support from Indian community, today was a real Fruit Festival: 2 boxes of apples, 2 boxes of peaches, 2 boxes of nectarine, 1 box of tangerines.
We distributed also box of prunes, which I packed in separate bags yesterday.
Everyone was happy, the kids were really attracted to the fruit, and the parents could not believe that this all variety was available for everyone.
Two boxes of bread - white and black - with pleasure were distributed to everyone.
Vairāk foto